Sunday, July 17, 2011


We went to the neurologist on last Friday for Lily's follow up. Everything went pretty well. He accessed her development and felt that she had made quite a bit of progress. In fact, she's made enough progress to mean that she may not qualify for the state funded therapy that we had just finally gotten into after three months of weekly calls! In many ways great! And an many ways sooo frustrating. After testing her reflexes, measuring her head, and talking about her development we learned that she's about 3 cm below the lowest percentile for head size but it looks as if she is following that growth curve, which is a good sign. She also developmentally is at about the age of 4-5 months although her tongue clicking is advanced even for an 11 month old. Again, it was hard news to hear and we wonder does that mean for every year of development she will advance 4-5 months in developmental age or will it begin to lessen as she gets older? How independent will she ever really be? The hardest part is that no one knows, not the experts, not us. It's just one day at a time. One bit of information we did get is that if she is able to sit independently by age 2 then she has a much better chance of being able to walk. So I guess that's one goal we can works towards.

We also got into a philosophical discussion about laughter (this is one of the reasons I love our neurologist; he doesn't dumb things down for us and has faith that we can keep up or ask the right questions). Lily doesn't laugh. She smiles ear to ear, squeals or clicks her tongue when she likes something. But no laughter. I wondered if it were a physical issue due to lack of muscle control but the neurologist didn't think so. He gave us a synopsis of a lecture he'd recently been to about laughter. First of all humans are the only primates that laugh. Second, it seems to be a way to diffuse a potentially emotionally intense moment. As he put "I see an anomaly, and I'm ok with it". Lily also doesn't have much of a startle reflex and Dan and I think she may not laugh because she isn't scared by anything. She isn't scared and she doesn't seem to realize that there is a need to diffuse a tense situation. Right now, that isn't such a big deal but it may prove to be an issue later in life. Most of all, we just hope to hear her giggle some day.

Ok, that's all for now. I'll put up a longer post with pics and (hopefully) some video later this week because Thursday is Lily's first birthday! I can't believe it!


  1. very interesting. and good news about lily's growth! I wish good help for you was not contingent on lily doing less well, though, and I can see how frustrating that must be. Thanks for the update. It means a lot to my family to be able to keep up with your family.

  2. Every time you leave a comment I want to "like" it and then realize that this is not Facebook. Ha!
