Tuesday, March 1, 2011

We're Home!

Lily made it through the MRI just fine! We're home and resting. We should hear from the neurologist in the next couple days.


  1. so relieved here in palestine. dad called me last night as we sat waiting by the phone...i'm sure you're so glad its over.
    kiss that little one for us. hug her, too. poor baby to have to shoulder such big procedures. she's a trooper. and a CUTIE!!!!

  2. Thanks ladies! Dan and I were definitely more traumatized by the whole thing than she was. She's doing great!

  3. That's great! Been waiting and wondering. Finally decided to hop on your blog to see if any info was here, and it is. Thank you. Lily and all of you are not far from my thoughts and prayers these days.

  4. Amy and Dan,
    In our experience it is always harder on the parents then the kids. We think of you all the time. I know you are enjoying the happy moments that happen every day with your wonderful children, we are staying focused on that!
    Much love the Benders
