Friday, February 18, 2011

Where to Begin...

This is Lily. She will be 7 months old this Monday. She and her older sister Elise are the lights of our lives. This Wednesday, Lily was diagnosed with microcephaly.

Back in December of last year, the family doctor we were seeing noticed that Lily's head size was falling down the charts. She was born at the 25th percentile in July and by December was down to the 3rd percentile. He also noticed that her soft spot was very small. He suggested that it might be a condition called craniosynostosis and referred us to a team of specialists at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital.

After a CT scan and seeing a craniofacial surgeon and neurosurgeon, we were told that the suture running from Lily's soft spot to the bridge of her nose was prematurely fused. But it was mild enough that she was not in need of surgery at that time. Yay! We thought we'd dodged a bullet and went home happy.

Two weeks ago we went in for Lily's six month check up and her head was exactly the same size as it had been in December. It now is no longer on any growth charts but is two standard deviations below the chart (i.e. her head is two centimeters smaller than the lowest percentile on the growth chart). The pediatrician was concerned and ordered numerous tests. All the bloodwork came back clear: no food allergies, no viruses, no blood disorders. Her physical exam showed that she was behind on her motor skills (no rolling over, grasping objects, or sitting up) and that her arms were a bit weak and her legs overly rigid. We were referred to a neurologist and an orthopedic surgeon to check out an abnormality in her left hip which was noticed in an xray.

This Wednesday we were able to get in to see the neurologist (thanks, apparently, to the pediatrician calling him personally and begging to get us in ASAP). He immediately diagnosed her with microcephaly. After a thorough exam and taking a medical history, he felt that it is not degenerative. Lily is scheduled to have a full body MRI on March 1st, which will, hopefully, confirm his gut reaction. She will have to be fully sedated for 4-5 hours for this procedure.

We are trying to stay hopeful. She is a beautiful, loving little girl. She knows who her family members are and squeals when we play with her. She's doing her best to roll over. She loves music, being sung to, and dancing around. Right now we are just hoping that this diagnosis will not be that this is fatal.

Mostly I started this blog to keep friends and family informed. I don't feel that I can explain all of this repeatedly because it is just too scary and emotionally taxing right now. I will try to update this space as soon as we have new information. We appreciate all the love and thoughts and phone calls, emails, etc. Thank you.


  1. Oh wow, Amy! My heart goes out to you and your family! What a rough beginning for little Lily. Sending positive thoughts your way and will be thinking of you on your MRI day.

  2. Thinking of all of you and sending love and strength your way. We're keeping you and baby Lily in our prayers and hope that the MRI goes smoothly and yields some hopeful results.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about this development. Sweet Lily and your whole family will be very much in our thoughts. Positive love and vibes heading your way! Hoping for the best, best, best. Love and hugs.

  4. Oh Amy and Dan and girls. Been thinking about you a lot. Love and positive thoughts are coming from our family to yours.

  5. Oh, man! You've been in my thoughts since Dan told me that there might be a problem. I send supportive love to all four of you. xoxoxox

  6. Thanks for this blog, Amy. We're aching for you. Sue and I are keenly interested in every scrap of information, but haven't wanted to pester you for it. This blog helps, and it must be an easier way for you to share info than telling each update so many times individually.

  7. Thank you Amy for letting us know what's going on. We have been praying and hoping for Lily and all of you, and I have been offering lamps for her and for her famlies here at KTD. I will also add her name to the Chenrezik prayer list at KTD and at Karme Ling. I'm happy to hear she is so sweet and loving and your other descriptions of her.

  8. Dear Amy, I am a life long freind of your Mom and your Aunt Sue, I am Linda Sue and I would imagine you might have heard of them speak of me over the years and I have meet you but it has been several years.......just want you to know I will be following your sweet preious Lily's all will be in my prayers and thoughts

  9. Amy and Dan,
    Love to all of you. Lilly and all of you are on our prayer list. Glad to hear in your words, thanks for giving us this info. We are praying for your strength and positive news.
    Linda, Karlan, Jacob, and Joshua Bender

  10. Thank you everyone for the comments.

    Margaret-Thank you for the lamps and being added to the Chenrezik list would be wonderful.

    Linda Sue-of course I remember you! :) Thank you for your prayers.

    The Benders-Thank you for the prayers. I know you understand how hard it is to wait for information on your childrens' health.

  11. Amy, thanks for sharing, even though I'm sure it's difficult. I wish you and your family peace, we'll be praying for all of you!

    Melissa and family

  12. I'm definitely thinking of you and your family. I can't even begin to imagine how difficult it is to go through all of this but please know that your family and friends are, certainly, here for you. Thank you for creating the blog, definitely will be checking in. Much love to you and the family.

  13. So glad Peg is coming to be with you and yours, nothing like having a Mom for support!!!We are constantly praying for all of you, kiss this girls for me!!! Love you, Aunt Sue
