Lily and her friend
I'm not sure how to begin this post or how to even write this. So I guess I'll just start with the facts. About a week ago, the day before Lily's first birthday, we received a call from her geneticist. The results from her genetic testing were in and there was a finding. Lily has a deletion on one of her X chromosomes (at site Xp22.13 to be exact). This was indicative of a documented metabolic disorder called Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex Deficiency. The geneticist didn't seem overly concerned. He said she'd need some supplements and frequent feedings to keep lactic acid from building up in her muscles. We hung up and, of course, I began looking for medical articles online.
Here's one. I won't go into all the medicalese. The main point is, it is degenerative, it has no cure, and children who have it do not make it past their teens. There are some therapies that can help slow the progression of the disease but it does not stop it.
We have spent the last week trying to come to terms with this and I can't. Not yet, probably not ever. I'm not sure what else to say at this point, except it breaks my heart. I pray that we can buy her enough time to find a cure, but I know that is unlikely.
There is part of me that wonders why my child? It's not fair. But when I think of it, really think of it, I know that I don't even need to really ask the question. Because mothers, parents, everywhere lose children everyday and it isn't fair for any of them. We are no more special than anyone else.
Lily is beautiful and I hope that we can make every moment she has as full of love as possible.